Euro Indicators

This page will give you all of the recent and soon to be released economic indicators from the Euro zone. All the indicators explained so you can make informed decisions in your Forex and CFD trading.

European Economic Indicators

Some of the popular indicators to follow are:

European Economic Indicators
Euro Zone CPI This indicator gives us an indication of consumer inflation in the EU and has a key effect on the economic policy released by the ECB Monthly & Quarterly
German Zew PMI Indicates the sentiment of the German Banking sector and its feeling of the economic health of the Economy Monthly
German IFO Indicator of German Manufacturing Monthly
ECB Rate Decision Usually watch and listen to the comments made by the ECB Chief after the interest rate decision. Quarterly

Euro indicators FAQ

  • What are the best European leading economic indicators?

    Economic indicators will only have predictive value when they are forward-looking and current. They must also discount the current value of assets based on future expectations. In this respect the discrepancy between reported and expected values are more important than the actual values in many instances. Any leading economic indicator will give an idea of where the economy is headed, and thus influence the price of various asset classes. That said, leading economic indicators are not always accurate in predicting individual market action, and so they should be taken together, as the whole provides a much better picture than individual data points.

  • Which EU country has the best economy?

    While it is important to look at the combined economic indicators that measure the output of the entire EU region, some countries have an outsized impact on the economic region because of their own strength. Germany is often considered to be the economic engine of the EU because it has by far the greatest GDP and industrial output of any European Union member. This makes Germany the most important nation when considering the overall growth in the EU since weak German output often leads to a weak overall EU economy.

  • What is the economic situation in Europe?

    Like the rest of the world the European Union saw a sharp decrease in economic activity in the first half of 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. This led to massive monetary and fiscal stimulus. As easing lockdown measures allowed businesses and consumers to resume activity later in the year the European Union posted record quarterly GDP growth in the third quarter of 2020. While that growth is waning due to rising coronavirus cases in the fourth quarter, it is anticipated that EU growth will rebound strongly in 2021 in response to the reopening of the global economy combined with sustained monetary and fiscal stimulus.